Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Please understand that nothing in Moldova is quick. There are no quick trips to the store, no easy online bill pay and no fast food. It takes time to get everywhere, get what you want and stand in line. This is true with shopping. Sure there are stores with the Target/Wal-mart mentality, where one is supposed to go and get everything in one trip. And this is a viable option if one is not picky. But to get the best of everything,one must visit multiple stores and always keep ones eye open.

One store may have the decaf tea I like, another, gluten free noodles. There is a special store to buy pajama pants and another to get slippers. The meat in the butcher by the market is always the best, but it is hard to find the cheese there that one wants. Also, there is simply no point in buying produce except at the open air market. And even that isn't easy. I have to look for the best cucumbers and the best price, taste the walnuts and hope I can find a quality spinach.

If there is a line at the grocery store, it is usually long and the cashier is never friendly. They repeatedly ask for spare change, though you have told them that none is to be had. It is odd that they begrudge you this right, because they rarely have change either. Often a few cents are replaced by a piece of gum. Thus each meal I prepare and eat is more savory and more satisfying, because I feel as though I hunted for my food.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Trip

The past week has been a whirlwind, with packing my life, saying good bye, traveling and then unpacking again. What surprised me most has been my calm state. Maybe it was my body protecting itself and detaching from the wave of emotions lying underneath, or maybe it was a peace given from God. Whatever it was, it was grace from God that this transition has gone smoothly so far…at least for the most part.

There was one point when my defenses were down. I was sitting in the airport in Frankfurt, in this back corner, when I looked up a realized that I was the only American in the waiting area. Panic suddenly struck me and my mind started racing. “What if my luggage doesn’t make it? What if something important is taken from my luggage? What if I can’t get it all onto the trolly? What happens if they decide not to let me in the country, or give me my living permit? What if there is no one to greet me at the airport? And worst of all, if anything goes wrong, my ticket is only one way!” This momentary panic was short-lived however. I was soon distracted by the semi-inebriated Moldovan trying to chat me up, despite my trying to read, and the new American addition to the terminal: a girl video taping everything. And when I got off that flight and made it smoothly through customs and a nice guy helped me organize my luggage, my calm had returned. Soon delight set in, as I walked into the greeting area and there was the entire team, flowers in tow! We went to a great new restaurant, talked about the plans for the next week and then went home to my apartment. The thought that is dominating my mind right now, despite the lack of sleep, is awe of what my God can do! He got me here.

Monday, April 7, 2008

In Preparation

I am so excited that I have 100% of my funds. A goal I have been working towards, not just for the past ten months, but for years now, is about to come into fruition. My joy and excitement is barely containable. But the stress is just as high. I am enjoying my time with family and friends, but the profound sadness of knowing I will not see them for years is difficult to handle. I will miss important events in their lives. Also, how does one pack for two years? It is difficult to organize, plan and pack all that I will need or at least think I need.

I think the biggest worry on my mind though, is will I do a good job? Will God be glorified through me and in me? Will the lives of the girls in Stella's House II be impacted? Will I be a good team member? This is something that I can't know until I am in the middle of it. So for the next week and a half, I will simply prepare one day at a time. And asking you all to pray for me and with me. Thanks so much!