Monday, April 7, 2008

In Preparation

I am so excited that I have 100% of my funds. A goal I have been working towards, not just for the past ten months, but for years now, is about to come into fruition. My joy and excitement is barely containable. But the stress is just as high. I am enjoying my time with family and friends, but the profound sadness of knowing I will not see them for years is difficult to handle. I will miss important events in their lives. Also, how does one pack for two years? It is difficult to organize, plan and pack all that I will need or at least think I need.

I think the biggest worry on my mind though, is will I do a good job? Will God be glorified through me and in me? Will the lives of the girls in Stella's House II be impacted? Will I be a good team member? This is something that I can't know until I am in the middle of it. So for the next week and a half, I will simply prepare one day at a time. And asking you all to pray for me and with me. Thanks so much!


Unknown said...

There is no doubt in my mind that you will work as hard as you can every minute you are there, and that you will be doing it with your whole heart, to the glory of God. What a beautiful thing. Have no worries that your impact will be real and lasting.

I am so proud to call you my friend.

Reach To India said...

Congratulations Sara! You beat us! arghhh ... ;-)

You will do a wonderful job and God will use you in so many ways that aren't even on your radar right now!

You are in our thoughts and prayers as you prepare to leave.

We have a blog now too, just to make sure we don't loose contact! It is

David & Amy
the eclectics