Monday, July 9, 2007

Support Sara

Praise God for all he is doing in bringing partners for the work in Moldova. People are amazing: committing to pray, handing me cash, making monthly commitments, or even giving useful gifts. This is just the beginning of the miracles God will do as I prepare to go as his ambassador. And you have the opportunity to be part of it. If you have given already, thank you so much. Your encouragement is invaluable. If you are still interested in supporting me financially you have a few options:

1. Copy and Paste this website and fill out the form to make a monthly pledge or a one time gift:
My account #: 2944726
Field: Moldova

You can print off the form and fill it out and send it to the address listed on the upper right corner, or you can email a completed for to

2. Email me: and I can help you.

Thank you all so much! I am excited to see what God can do. Please check this website often for updates on all things Moldova.

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