Thursday, January 1, 2009

In Relationship

It is in being in relationship with others that one's person is defined. One learns who she or he is, his or her value and personality. God calls us to be in relationship with Him and one another. He designed it like this. And it is in relationship, good quality relationship with God and others, that the lives of the women at the Home of Hope will be changed. I have been with these women for three months now and I am overwhelmed by their brokenness and their need for love. I am profoundly aware of the fact that I am not a therapist, social worker or even a pastor. But I love God and I love these women. So, I do what I can. I take them second hand shopping, I practice English with them, I treat them to the coffee shop, remind them that losing a few dollars is not as bad as it seems. I encourage, learn to make Moldovan food, eat meals, dance around the living room and watch movies. I am in relationship with them. And I pray that through that I can help draw them to God, find who they were made to be and teach them to love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so true...good thought! Thats powerful! Anca looks forward to meeting you...i've told her so much about you!